Saint Bernard Breed Information 

There's a king-size bed under there!
  This page offers a brief overview of the Saint Bernard to inform and remind prospective owners of some of the pros and cons of owning a giant-breed dog. We strongly encourage you to read as much as you can to learn about Saints before you make the decision to add one to your family. The Saint Bernard Club of America has some excellent online resources to assist you. You may also visit the American Kennel Club's website to find additional resources.

Brief history : Saint Bernards are thought to have originated in the Alps, where they were bred by monks of the Monastary of Hospice which had been founded by Bernard de Menthon. The dogs primarily worked as companions to the monks, guardians of the monastery and rescuers of travelers, particularly during the hazardous snowy months in their high mountain pass. Saints carried a noble profession for a noble breed! (source: SBCA Breed History )

Breed description: The Saint Bernard is a powerful, large dog that excels at being a companion animal for the family. Saints are not guard dogs, although their size and deep bark can be intimidating to strangers. A Saint is more likely to knock burglars down, lick their faces, and then show them where the valuables are! However, if a family member is in danger, Saint Bernards do have the instinct to protect those they love.

  Breed size: When you bring home an adorable eight-week-old puppy, you are bringing home an animal that may match or even exceed you in size as an adult. Males can reach 180 pounds and sometimes more. Females are somewhat smaller but still can exceed 140 pounds. Many first-time Saint owners unfortunately end up taking their dogs to rescue because, though they knew the dog would be big, they often didn't realize just
how big! A fully grown Saint Bernard will stand taller than the seating area of many sofas and can sweep a coffee table clean with one swish of his or her happy tail. Lying down, an adult Saint Bernard takes up as much room as a person in bed. Although they are quite agile, Saint Bernards have been known to knock items off from tables as they pass, especially in tight, cramped areas of the house.

  Breed coat and mouth characteristics: Can you get along with some drool and some shedding? All Saints shed and all Saints drool. Smooth-coated dogs will still require regular grooming and have a large shedding cycle in the spring and fall just the same as rough-coated dogs. There is no such thing as a dry-mouth Saint. Some dogs will drool less than others, but the drool is still there. Drool is part of the attraction! Just think of Aunt Millie in her nice dress at your next family gathering; if your Saint comes along there will be some good laughs!

  Do you have any questions? Just
send me a note!

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